only Mary Poppins could deliver this kind of sunrise (see previous blog entry)...well, it was most likely a blessing to me, straight from God...to make up for all of the "stuff" I have been going through...however- I think it was a blessing that the roof came off the gazebo (not my greenhouse). Decided I don't like the gazebo after all!

My newest obsession- KEYS! The huge, huge keys are from France. My neighbor recently got back from France, and she knows how much I love keys...and voila! She brought me a bag of keys! I can't believe the size of the skeleton keys in Europe! Our American keys look just so tiny next to them!

The bundle of keys in this photo? From a FREE box this past summer...yes, FREE!!!! I was in heaven all day when I found them...could not believe my eyes! Just love them!

I am trying hard to take some of them to the store to sell...but every time they make it to the car, they end up coming back home with me...maybe a few to Monticello...they would be great Christmas ornaments...