sometimes you can hunt and gather for days...

and not find anything cool...

and once in a great while...

you find a family that is cleaning out Grandma's house...

and they know you have a store...

and they like you...

and they even help load the car...

they laugh as you scream with delight...

at the treasures that you will sell off and share with someone else...

and Grandma is even so very delighted when you share with her that you are keeping some of ...

her prize possessions...

or that will get built in to something else...

or that clock that HER Grandfather brought over from Germany...( that I will likely make in to a shadow box...)

and the typewriter that I will keep, with the typewriter table...

in a very treasured spot in my living room...and the magazine rack with the raised flowers might make it to the store...or might not...
but what a fun sale to arrive at...they made me laugh and cry at the stories of their treasures...
and I get to pass on a lot of their treasures to my customers...
I'm so happy for you! I haven't had much luck with garage sales lately (of course I haven't been to that many!) but the few I've been to have been very unforgettable.....it's amazing to me what people try to sell!
The thrift stores are a different story, lots of luck there, and really cool old things too. Makes it exciting to go, you just never know what you'll find.
SCORE IS RIGHT~! oh my gosh I am drooling over here..........so happy for you!!! Awesome .....I love it all!
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