some of my finds this past week (or two)...
these gold knobs were on a dresser that I painted for my son, they were a bit gawdy for him, but I think they will be fab on something else...
dainty pink stationery...
record if I just had a record player...
ok...sometimes I go through very dry spells where I get NO cigar boxes...
this week I found 12!!
this plant/marble creation isn't exactly a "new" find, but it is recently revamped into this shadow box of marbles and plant...
this bunny? found at Patti Smith's on NE 42nd...just off Fremont in the Beaumont neighborhood...LOVE HER STORE!!! and he was CHEAP!!
and finally...
saving the bestest for last...
I found this a couple of weeks ago at a sale for (cheap!) and I have decided that it is from an old theatre in Europe (I haven't decided on a country yet!)...I just thought that it was so unique, even though my hubby thinks I am a bit crazy...(once it is on the wall...I will get a full length pic)...and if you have any ideas about its origin...please...comment away- I love a good story!
anyhoo...hope that you all are finding good bargains/decorating items/treasures/junque this summer!
BY the way, if I haven't said this before...I love hearing your thoughts and comments :)
have a great week!