but I have to admit I am happy with my results in Spanish and in Algebra...
but my third class? Sustainability...it is a year long class...and I SUCK at it...
don't use that word very often, but it is the only one to describe my performance...
it requires about 3000 words a week, and I am not, not, not good at analytical writing...
I am a creative writer...
and I am not doing well.
but I am not giving up...
I can not tell you how much I appreciate all of the kind words and support that I have gotten from blog land...
I need all the encouragement that I can get...
(prayers are good, too!)
some of the funny things so far?
1) the toilets scare me...they are those automatic ones that flush if you move a quarter of an inch...
2) yesterday, a homeless man gave me his business card...he is running for president of the USA (not sure this is funny...but odd, yes)
3) my sustainability class is turning me in to a vegetarian (do you KNOW what is in your meat?) ...my boys don't like this class...they hated last nights dinner...
4) I was sick one day...my sustainability professor said he missed me...I think that is because being the OLD LADY in class...he knew I was gone...
5) my math teacher has really really really long red hair and reminds me of someone else and I am not sure who...
there is more...but this post is long enough...
thanks again for all your kind words...
working on STARS today.... (and a 2000 word paper due tomorrow and a Spanish midterm tomorrow...)
lots of love to all of you!
Way to go Mel! Throwing up prayers for you and your SUCKY class!
Jamie Borota
I enjoy hearing about your new adventure. It sounds like you are doing very well overall and having some fun in the meantime. It would be difficult for anyone to juggle all that you are doing!! Keep up the good attitude for your suck class!!
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